08/12/2024 – World Climate Day: New video ‘Healthy peatlands, our allies in the face of climate change!’
Are you familiar with the link between peatlands, carbon and climate? If not, this short animated video is for you!
To mark World Climate Day, the Jura peatlands LIFE Climat programme invites you to discover what a peatland is and why restoring them can help combat climate change.
The animated video is available with French subtitles at this link: https://youtu.be/IKafSADrepw
You can also find a version with English subtitles here: https://youtu.be/Jdo_xdWpwDE
Enjoy your discovery!
Thanks to Libellule Productions, video communications agency
15/11/2024 – Discover the 2nd newsletter of the LIFE Climat Jura peatlands programme (in french)

09/10/2024 – Restoration of the Nans-sous-Saint-Anne wetland (25)
Begun at the end of September 2024, a worksite is currently underway in the commune of Nans-sous-Saint-Anne. Following the reopening and clearing phase, the rehabilitation phase will begin as soon as weather conditions permit.
05/09/2024 – Work to neutralise the ditches in the southern part of the Gouille peatland at Arc-sous-Cicon (25)
Begun at the end of August, the worksite enabled 200 m of ditches to be neutralised. Under the project management of the EPAGE Haut-Doubs Haute-Loue, the work is being carried out by Jura Natura Services.
30/07/2024 – Call for tenders – Restoration of the hydrological functioning of the Chatelet and Coin d’aval marshes (La Chaumusse, Fort-du-Plasne – 39)
Under the supervision of the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park. The work concerns two peatland complexes. The Chatelet marsh, and more specifically the sector located on the left bank of the Lemme in the municipality of Chaumusse (39) and the Coin d’Aval marsh on the left bank of the Fort-du-Plasne stream in the municipality of Fort-du-Plasne (39). The aim of the work will be to remove as many of the artificial features draining the peatlands as possible. Various structures will be installed on the drainage ditches in order to restore the topographical level of the water table as far as possible, thereby restoring the natural dynamics of the peatland. Details of the worksite and the strict rules for implementation are described in great detail in the specifications. The deadline for responses is 12.00 noon on Monday 19 August 2024.
29/07/2024 – Rehabilitation of the Pré Partot peatland at La Planée and Malpas (25)
A new worksite starts this week in the Haut-Doubs region. The first week is devoted to staking out and clearing all the points of intervention, as well as supplying the materials needed for the site. The land was cleared this winter. The installation of 3 fences is planned.
From 15 to 17/05/2024 – Registration of the International seminar organised by the LIFE Climat team in Bois d’Amont (39) is now open!
Subject : functioning and rehabilitation of European mountain peatlands
Target audience: European managers and researchers
Languages: French and English (interpreters)
Discover the pre-programme now!
In brief :
- Wednesday 15 May: indoor presentations
- Thursday 16 May: site visits and conference in the evening
- Friday 17 May: morning lecture
Venue: Bois-d’Amont in the Jura (France) for accommodation and the conference
Registration for the international conference
From 26/04/2023 to 28/04/2023 – Peatlands platform meeting in Berlin
Four representatives of the two LIFE projects on Jura’s peatlands were present in Berlin to exchange with European LIFE project managers and experts on peatlands, rehabilitation and greenhouse gas measurements. As the LIFE Climate on Jura’s peatland team are currently working with 2 experts on the development of GHG and piezometry monitoring protocols, these exchanges were very useful.
02/02/2023 – Official launch of the LIFE Climat Jura’s peatlands programme in the Jura
On World Wetlands Day on 2 February, the new LIFE Climat Jura’s peatlands programme was officially launched at Les Fontenelles (25).